The Bel’s are tripping!

The three friends from the Belmont house, Joan, Kevin, and Scott, and Sarah had a wonderful week of vacation up in Martha’s Vineyard. They were invited by Karen, Scott’s sister, and her husband Mike who spend several months in that area. All of them agreed that they had a great time on the beach, lots of fun and adventures. Boston was also included in the trip. Please go to our photo gallery and see some of the photos Joan had taken.

A New Addition to Building a Bridge!

Wonderful news: Daniela and Guido Kramp just joined Building a Bridge as new staff members. They arrived only a few weeks ago, freshly imported from Hamburg, Germany. Not only did they come with lots of energy, motivation and good sense of humor but also with their two children Jeremy and Justin.

Jeremy Justin

While they still fight bureaucracy and wait for the container with all their household goods, they already started to take charge of many tasks and care for the Belmont house.

We are all very excited to have them with us and cordially welcome them. Please check our staff site for more info.

New membership!

We are happy to announce that Building a Bridge is now member of the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce. Its Non-Profit Council represents and focuses upon the needs and interests of the Chamber’s vibrant non-profit community organizations; a series of workshops is aimed at the needs of non-profit staff and Board members.

This membership will aid us to network within the Community of Charlottesville and to promote our organization.

One great afternoon

Last Saturday, we all spent a wonderful afternoon at the reception of our Art Show; it was a great success. Many of our friends and families came to visit and joined us to see the work of the artists of Building a Bridge. Old friends who have not seen each other in a long time could catch up again, thoughts about the art work was shared, food was enjoyed, and many photos were taken. Please visit our photo gallery and see some shots taken that afternoon.

We thank everyone who visited and contributed to make this afternoon very special to all of us.
We would like to take this opportunity to announce our next Art show in February 2009 at the McGuffy Art Center here in Charlottesville. Until then, please contact us if you wish to meet the artists personally.

Another Art Show…

After our residents participated in the VSA Annual Art Exhibit in the beginning of 2008 (see our photo gallery), the artists of Building a Bridge will exhibit at C-ville Coffee during the month of April. We all are very excited about the upcoming show and invite you to join us for the reception on April 5th between 2-4pm. C-ville Coffee is located in Charlottesville, 1301 Harris Street. We are looking forward seeing you again or for the first time.

Art show invitation

Press Room: Winter 2008

All of us in The Bridge wish you a happy and peaceful New Year.

The Bridge celebrates the 16th year of its existence. We reflect with pride on our accomplishments achieved during the continuing journey to overcome the adversities we were presented with. We thank our families, our friends, and the Charlottesville community for the support they have given us. We, as The Bridge family, want to share with you our hope for a kinder and a more peaceful world as we enter another year. — Heinz Kramp, President