What is Case Management?
Case Management is the process where you work in partnership with a Brain Injury Specialist to identify and accomplish your personal goals. Case Managers provide guidance, education, and empowerment. They can link you with community resources, set up services for you, and act as a liaison with other providers. Case Management services are provided at no cost to you. Visits can be made in-home or at The BridgeLine office on Pantops – Albemarle County, conveniently located on a bus route #10.
The Need
It only takes an instant for a person’s whole world to be dramatically changed by brain injury. According to the Brain Injury Association of America, more than 5 million people live with disabilities that stem from brain injury. The impact on a survivor’s life and on those who love them can be staggering. Community-based programs like The BridgeLine are crucial yet rare to find because persons with brain injuries are still on the periphery of these services.
What can a Case Manager help me with?
Anything relating to your goals of becoming more independent and/or improving your life. This could include:
- Employment
- Housing
- Health
- Money Management
- Legal Aid
- Socialization
- Family Issues
- Self-Care
- Recreation
- Transportation
- Communication
- And more
Who Qualifies?
Any adult who is 18 years or older, has a documented acquired brain injury, is willing to work toward goals, and legally resides in the following localities:
City of Charlottesville, the Counties of Albemarle, Amherst, Appomattox, Buckingham, Cumberland, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Madison, Nelson, Nottoway, Orange, and Prince Edward.

Referral for Services
Referrals are accepted from the following sources:
- A person with a brain injury;
- A family member who cares for a person with a brain injury; or
- A professional in healthcare or social services.
If you or someone you love would benefit from case management service, please contact:
Telephone: 434-220-4596
Email: info@thebridgeline.org