Despite the current economical crisis, there are many people out there who are very generous and happy to give. That is amazing and touching.
Our Belmont house has a wonderful and very long white picket fence that suffered from age and weather. Over time, the storms had blown out whole sections and the rain and sun had helped the paint to peel of. But now, the fence is in good shape again, thanks to A Quality Built Fence Co..
Jean Alther, Vice President, and her brother decided to donate the repair and paint ing of the fence to Building a Bridge. Thanks so much from all of us to their generosity!

The next unexpected gift came from Mrs. Ann Marshall, long term resident of Charlottesville, and a friend of a friend of Building a Bridge. She donated her CAR to us, we could not believe it! We were in so much need at the time, since two of our cars have given up to function. This kindness helps us tremendously to continue our work for this organization. Thank you Mrs. Marshall for you wonderful support of our residents.

And last but not lease, we were just awarded a grant from the HUT Foundation. That money will help us to remodel one of the bathrooms in the Lexington house to make it handicap accessible. The HUT Foundation, inspired by the values of integrity and compassion, seeks to fund project offering solutions to fundamental problems in the areas of education, humanitarian issues, and the environment. It further seeks to promote respect for others and to develop our commitment to family. A big “thank you” to the HUT Foundation for their support.